Thursday 9 May 2013

Early Celtic Art

Iron age Celtic culture had quite large pieces some of which were imported large and expensive objects as these where considered objects for the wealthy which they got from neighbouring countries. The Halstatt culture which started among Celts produced art which did not have curves but rather rectangular lines, this made the art more complicated, the space was filled making the art more intricate. The Halstatt culture became very rich because of trade and so art forms of the Halstatt culture can be found in different countries mixed with the different styles of the locals. Works which have a religious theme often have figures of humans and animals, one of the most interesting objects which were found are the cult wagons, these are made out of bronze and very detailed. On the wagons one might find a bowl in the centre probably used for sacrifices to the gods. The wagons where highly detailed and portrayed human figures which were not correct anatomical but rather simplified forms. Also found where stone figures which had leaf crowns these statues meaning is of divinity. From this era, few objects where found most of which were plain as they were used by the common people and the objects which are high quality are fewer still. Some of the higher quality find are the Waterloo Helmet, the Czech head and the shoe plaques from Hochdorf. 

This is a Celtic cult wagon, it was found in a grave in Austria. This wagon had four wheels and each of the wheels has eight spokes. It is most likely a wagon with symbolic meaning. The figure in the middle is larger than the rest showing hierarchy. This figure could have symbolised a Goddess or even a priest.

This is a stone sculpture of a celtic hero which was found in the sanctuary at Mšecké Žehrovice near Slaný, Czech Republic.

This is a horned helmet which was found in the river Thames at Waterloo Bridge this helmet is known as the Waterloo Helmet which dates back to 150-50 BC. This helmet was probably not used in battle but as a ceremonial headdress. Oringnially the helmet would have been studed with red glass and it would be a gleaming gold colour. 

This piece is a gold collar which was found in Austria which dates back from 550 BC


Lessing Photo Archive - A Celtic hero.. 2013. Lessing Photo Archive - A Celtic hero.. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 May 2013].

Strettweg Wagon Description. 2013. Strettweg Wagon Description. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 May 2013].

Celtic Britain - history and culture. 2013. Celtic Britain - history and culture. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 May 2013].

File:Britishmuseumwaterloohelmet.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. File:Britishmuseumwaterloohelmet.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 09 May 2013].

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