Saturday 18 May 2013

Celtic Symbols.

Celtic designs was made up of geometric designs and all had a meaning attached to the symbol. The oldest symbols date back to 3000 BC which where carved onto stone carvings. 

This is a Celtic cross which came in existence in the era of St Patrick , before St Patrick the Celtic people's believed in the Druid faith. Legend says that St Patrick drew a cross onto a symbolic Druid rock in order to convert them into Christianity. The circles which surround the cross mean eternal life and the sun.

This Celtic knot is called the Celtic heart knot and dates back to about the 5th century, this knot symbolises eternal love and an interconnection with nature. The monks where the first people to have documented the knot also there where description of the knot in the Book of Kells and in the Book of Durrows.

This knot is called a Celtic shield knot,  it is known to have four corners which are made up of squares but also can be a mixture of squares and circles. This type of Celtic knot is symbolic in a way that any one who wears it is said to be protected from danger and evil spirits. 

This is a Celtic Spiral, these types of knots have been around for a long time and where first used by the druids. Not a lot of information remains about these spirals as the druids did not write anything down about there faith.

This knot is called the Celtic Trinity Knot,  it is used to symbolize trinity and is one of the most simplest Celtic design. The Celts where a big believer that everything comes in three, for example the three natural elements water, fire and earth and the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. In modern times it symbolizes eternal love an is often used in bridal wear.

This Celtic knot is called the Celtic Triquetra it has a triangular shape and it is never ending. This knot has more than one meaning for example in Christianity it symbolized the Father, Son and Holy Spirit but it is also seen as a form of protection in Wicca and also symbolises all three  aspects of there Goddess. 

This symbol is called the shamrock and it is one of Ireland most famous symbols.  There is more than one meaning behind this symbol, it is said that St Patrick picked up the shamrock to prove the existence of God, also the shamrock was used to ward of even and it was even used by mystics as when a storm would be approaching the petals would stand up.

This symbol is called the Celtic Triskele it is one of the oldest symbols and was first found in a temple in Ireland but it was also found in places such as Greek, Central America and Colombia. This symbol has three spirals which all come out from the centre, the meaning of this symbol is said to be the circle of life which is birth, death and re-birth.


The Symbolism of Celtic Design. 2013. The Symbolism of Celtic Design. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2013].

Symbology - Ancient and Celtic Symbols. 2013. Symbology - Ancient and Celtic Symbols. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 18 May 2013].

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