Wednesday 8 May 2013

Contemporary Artist - Laura Lloyd

Laura Lloyd is an artist who gets her inspiration from people and life, she likes the structure of the face and observes them in her daily life which she has done since childhood. Also in her paintings there is a frequent use of vibrant colours, Lloyd does so to portray and reveal the character of the person. Lloyd uses oil on canvas on most of her work but also does sculptures in clay. Lloyd started drawing faces when she was young, she was fascinated by the faces she saw on television. She first started drawing with pencils and pastels but than Lloyd found a passion for paint. Her paintings almost always portray woman Lloyd says she can relate to them more that way. Lloyd also gets her inspiration from books and magazines , her work also has an almost abstract feel to them, certainly the backgrounds she paints are abstracts. Also Lloyd works in ceramics creating sculptures with disproportional bodies but with  detailed faces. Her sculptures thou give a sad vibe to them most of her work gives the viewer a feel of isolation. I think her work is very unique the colours she uses are very interesting in the way she makes up the composition of her art work.  

Three Plus One

Mixed Media 


Mixed Media on canvas.


Mixed Media on canvas 

Lloyd fine art ceramics and paintings. 2013. Lloyd fine art ceramics and paintings. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2013].

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