Sunday 19 May 2013

Celtic Warrior Tattoos

Irish and Celtic warriors got tattooed powerful designs which showed as a symbol to their strength and bravery, the tattoos also showed the warriors alliance to a clan or warlord. The tattoos also where done to give respect to the one wearing the tattoos. For the Irish and Celtic warriors tattoos had to be done to show pride to their ancestry and heritage. The tattoos done where Celtic symbols and Neolithic petroglyphs where also commonly found as tattoos. On the faces they used to tattoo knot motifs, most commonly on the cheeks and forehead. The warriors got most of their tattoos in their prime, tattoos also include crosses and spirals, which were also done on the warriors faces and symbols like skulls or a special symbol which identify the warriors. Also tattoos having different rank significance where also tattooed on the warriors to show their status within the clan. With all the tattoos on the warriors faces and body the warriors intimidated there enemy's also the tattoos gave them a sense of belonging making them proud warriors in battles. The tattoos where proudly shown as they were done with great artistic skill, also they believed that the tattoos enhanced the warriors strength and courage as they were believed to be done on physical energy points on the body which are called meridians.  Different ruins like the one featuring a sword was commonly used these type of runes gave meaning of actions such as heroism. These types of tattoos are still used today and have been adopted by modern day tattoo artists, these tattoos are still quite popular today and the symbol of courage and strength is still associated with Celtic tattoos.

The Celtic people left no written evidence to how they tattooed themselves, but we can learn from  other writing from other people who met with the Celts. The Spanish Bishop of Seville wrote about the tattoos in Britannia, he wrote that the Picts tattooed themselves by pricking their skin and creating the design and then they would rub sap into them.


Ancient Celtic Tattooing - 2013. Ancient Celtic Tattooing - [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2013].

Maui Celtic - Celtic Art, Celtic Art History, Celtic Tattoo History, Maui Celtic Art resource on Maui, Hawaii. 2013. Maui Celtic - Celtic Art, Celtic Art History, Celtic Tattoo History, Maui Celtic Art resource on Maui, Hawaii. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 19 May 2013].

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