Tuesday 9 April 2013

Dada Conflict

Dada began in Switzerland which began in 1916 ,World war one was quite a shock as all Europe was a war and Dada revolved against it. They rebelled against the system with works of art, they did this by creating havoc in art, the art they created was completely meaningless. Dada was not an art form it was anti-art, it fought art with art. Dada was to represent the opposite of what art meant, Dada destroyed what art stood for but at the same time created a different kind of art. Dada is a no sense word with no meaning behind it dada rejected reason and logic. This movement laid down the foundation for surrealism. Dada had only one rule which was never follow any known rules and dada self destructed when people started to accept it.

Hannah Hoch-  Cut with the Kitchen Knife Through the First Epoch of the Weimar Beer-Belly Culture, Germany          


Collages where very popular in the Dada movement the meaning of the image is subverted and the artists becomes a constructor. 


Dada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. 2013. Dada - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [ONLINE] Available at: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dada. [Accessed 19 May 2013].

Dada - Art History Basics on the Dada Movement - 1916-1923. 2013. Dada - Art History Basics on the Dada Movement - 1916-1923. [ONLINE] Available at: http://arthistory.about.com/cs/arthistory10one/a/dada.htm. [Accessed 19 May 2013].

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