Friday 22 March 2013

Introduction to Arts and Crafts Movement.

The great Exhibition of Industry of all Nations

As the middle class grew, objects where being bought more , but still the stuff was made in a hurry as it was mass produced also the material being used was cheap and broke easily.  At the exhibition Ruskin and Morris stated that the work done was not up to standard.  America too where producing objects in mass production but unlike Britain they were better made, function better and had simpler designs because of this America later became to be the leader in the industrial mass production. The purpose of the exhibition was to bring exhibitions from all over the world but the work was done quickly and had a lot of decoration which imitated the style of the feudal nobility. Obviously the movement rejected the idea completely of cheaply and badly made industrial products.

The Arts and Crafts Movement.
William Morris

Mass production also meant the loss of stylistic variety, as machine made objects  were the same in design also there was a drop in quality but the prices where more affordable.  William Morris wanted to reform the industry of product making and set up the arts and crafts movement doing this he paved the way for the Modernists. Morris was influenced greatly by John Ruskin, who praised gothic and medieval craftsmen. The depression of the industrial revolution which came because of the pollution and crowds of people moving into the city had a big effect on Morris.  He abhorred modern civilization and fought against the inhuman conditions he wanted to reform society of mass production, his main concern was beautiful things so Morris founded the arts and crafts movement with the help of John Ruskin and Augustus Pugin.  


William Morris : Biography. 2013. William Morris : Biography. [ONLINE] Available at: [Accessed 22 March 2013].

 William Morris [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 22 March 13].

The great Exhibition of Industry of all Nations [ONLINE]. Available at: [Accessed 22 March 13].

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